Pixie Hollow Bake Off Part 1

Mar 04, 2014 Disney Fairies: Pixie Hollow Bake Off Sisler, Celeste on Amazon.com.FREE. shipping on qualifying offers. After Tink challenges Pixie Hollow's culinary superstars Gelata and the Baking Fairies by referring to the art of baking as just tinkering with flour. Everyone knows that Pixie Hollow's kind ruler, Queen Clarion, has a sweet tooth. For the last 399 years, the talented baking-fairy, Gelata, and her crew have been enjoying the queen's preference; however, for this year's prestigious title, there's a new challenger: the inexperienced but hard-working Tinker Bell and her hand-picked team.

Sorry this request took so long. I actually had it written out in my notebook but nothing was finalized until now. I'm on vacation (and summer of course) so do expect daily or regular updates :D

Disclaimer: I do not own anything but some of the story plot

The events after the taste testing passed like a blur to Queen Clarion. Well, it literally was a blur as she passed out from eating Tinkerbell's cake. One moment she was presented with the most earth shattering, marvelous and history defying cake she had ever seen, the next was hazy and now she had mysteriously woken up in her chambers, unaware on how she got here.

She let her memory take over before she did anything.

'Welcome to the Pixie Hollow bake off!' She heard Bobble announce.

It was the only ever time a fairy would take on the baking fairies in a baking off, something so stupid and dangerous that every fairy should know by now what not to do. All except for one fairy, Tinkerbell.

Hearing her name announced, she waved to her fairies currently cheering for her, desperately missing Milori's presence. It was Winter at the moment and he and Snowflake were busy bringing Winter to the mainland, unable to show up for the competition. He would show up for her birthday of course.

The competition started, everyone biting their nails as the hour ticked away. Knowing how the baking fairies would prepare her cake, as usual, she kept her eyes on the non baking fairies, watching them work to beat the clock.

Not wanting to ruin the surprise, Queen Clarion was given a seat in which she could not see the cakes as they were being made, only to keep the view score fair.

'Hello?' she asked timidly, hearing her voice crack from little use and how dry it was.

'Clarion?' Someone called out from behind the doors. She quickly realized it was her friend, Mary. 'Clarion!'

Propping up her pillows so that she could sit up straight, she allowed her friend to come in, her head luckily turned away from the door at the time.

'Thank goodness you're alright! I don't know what Tinkerbell was thinking, making a non edible cake like that... How are you feeling deary?'

'Quite alright- OH MY STARS!' Clarion yelled when she turned to face her friend.

'Is anything the problem?' Mary asked sweetly, only this wasn't Mary standing in front of her.

It was Milori.

With her mouth agape, she looked up and down Milori, seeing him wearing a bright pink checkered apron, identical to what her helpers would wear when she requested their help.

Upon his... her? face bore an innocent expression, Clarion assumed that he/she didn't know of the face switch.

'What... your... voice... happen...' clarion babbled incoherently, her words tumbling around in her mouth. She had tried to think what she wanted to say, only to come out into garbage.

'My dear, has the cake ruined your speech too? I'll call for some healing talents to see you right away.'

Mary left the room, returning with two healing talents moments later. She used this time to compose herself, clearing her mind before she freaked out.

Sighing at how seemingly normal the two healing talents looked, she was cautious on how the two never seemed to say anything throughout the whole checkup...

Oh how she wished she hadn't thought like that.

At once, the two asked her to open her mouth for inspection. She gasped in fright. The two voices belonged to Tinkerbell and Terence, and the two fairies in front of her was definitely not Tinkerbell and Terence.

'Queen Clarion?' Tinkerbell's voice asked, clearly laced with concern, 'Is anything the matter?'

It was there the poor confused queen zoned out, waking up hours later ready to be discharged.

Wrapping a leaf jacket for comfort, she walked around Pixie Hollow, convinced that there had to be a reason for all the voice switches.


'Milori' she whispered in relief, turning around to see Hyacinth smiling sickeningly in front of her. She let out a whimper of disgust, pushing away the hands that tried to hug her.

Sprinting frantically in the opposite direction, she crashed head on into the Minister of Autumn, hearing Fairy Gary's voice instead.

She ignored him and continued on running, hearing different voices chanting in her head.

Snowflake has Hyacinth's, Sunflower has Rosetta's, Fairy Gary has Redleaf's...

Pixie Hollow Bake Off Full Movie

She collapsed in the ice castle, not really knowing when she crossed the border. Her breaths came out as pants and the air around condensed into white wisps.

'Queen Clarion?' It was Dewey's voice.

'Stand back. I have no idea what is happening right now and you do not want to see me when I'm angry.' She spat, asserting her authority.

'Easy there...' Two fluffy paws were on her shoulders.

Turning her head slowly in fear, seeing Fiona behind her with Dewey's voice pushed her over the edge once more, darkness filling her vision as she screamed.

'Clarion? Clarion!'

Pixie Hollow Bake Off 123movie

Milori's voice.

She didn't dare open her eyes. She didn't want to wake up and see Mary's face hovering over hers.

'Honey... do wake up...' A cool hand brushing over her cheeks.


Still not buying it.

A cold kiss to her forehead. More specifically, Milori's favourite spot of kiss.

She let out a crack throughout her eyelids, hugging Milori tightly when she recognized his face once more.

'Honey!' A shocked Milori cried out, 'what happened.'

'You had Mary's voice and... and you were wearing a maid's apron... oh and not to mention -' she babbled on and on, interrupted quickly by a soft kiss to the lips.

'How about we save that story for another time honey. Right now I have an angel to take care of.' He winked cheekily at her, Clarion blushing profusely with a smile.

Pixie Hollow Bake Off Part 1 2

More laughter and a play on a joke from a few years ago rather than fluffy Milarion :3

Next chapter will also be up tonight! Tinkerbell x Terence

Disney Pixie Hollow Bake Off

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